Dislocated Worker Program
This program is for workers who are out of work due to plant closings, layoffs, business failures, or technological change. The WIOA dislocated worker program offers employment, re-employment and/or retraining services that will assist the individual in the transition to new employment. Services may include job placement, vocational classroom training, basic and remedial education, job counseling and assessment, job search assistance, resume preparation, on-the-job training, work testing, childcare, and transportation.
WIOA provides services similar to the Adult program, but unlike the Adult program, family income is not used to determine eligibility. Dislocated workers are individuals who have been laid off or terminated due to plant closure or mass layoff or are unemployed through no fault of their own. Self-employed individuals and displaced homemakers may also be eligible, including spouses of active military members forced to quit a job due to re-stationing of a military spouse. Temporary layoffs do not qualify, the job loss must be permanent. The program is designed to train/retrain dislocated workers and assist in their transition to new employment.
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) provide training services to persons left without employment when those jobs are certified by the U.S. Department of Labor as being moved out of the United States. Affected TAA certified employees can receive reemployment services, retraining, extended cash benefits, job search allowances and relocation allowances. TAA certified employees receive verification from their former employer when layoffs are announced.