Quincy, IL Park Water Fountain

Community Development through Regional Cooperation

Two Rivers Regional Council of Public Officials Mission

To grow stronger and more positive communities through relationships. As a connected community of individuals, families, businesses and government; we focus on supporting the basic needs of our community, fostering resiliency, and developing economic opportunity for all.

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About Two Rivers Regional Council of Public Officials

Two Rivers Regional Council of Public Officials (TRRC) is a non-profit intergovernmental agency developed to offer community and planning services to west central Illinois counties of Adams, Pike, Brown, & Schuyler. TRRC provides numerous services to low income members of these communities while offering community development and planning assistance to units of local government. As a provider for the Illinois Workforce Investment, TRRC provides employment and training programs and services to all of the four service counties.

Latest News

Utility assistance begins October 1st

Quincy— The Two Rivers Regional Council of Public Officials, as administrator of the Energy Assistance Program in Adams, Brown, Pike and Schuyler Counties, is pleased to announce that funds are…

School Supplies Available in Pike, Brown, and Schuyler Counties

Parents in Pike, Brown and Schuyler Counties, please read. Two Rivers Regional Council of Public Officials is taking school supply applications for Brown, Pike, and Schuyler County residents. Each student…

Ribbon Cut on Pittsfield Office

Two Rivers Regional Council of Public Officials has community partners to thank. Without their help and dedication, TRRC could not have completed this project and continue to serve our mission.
Two Rivers Regional Council

TRRC by the Numbers

Homes Weatherized in Current Program Year
Clients Currently Engaged in Workforce Development
Businesses Assisted with Back to Business Grant Applications
Clients Assisted by Community Service Last Year

Utility Assistance

Two Rivers Regional Council of Public Officials provides staff to develop and administer programs and policies which further the efforts of local governments and aid the economically disadvantaged throughout the region. Community Action includes programs like: The Home Buyer Program, Food Pantry and Reachout Centers, Energy Assistance, and Workforce Investment.

Economic Development

The Community Development Department provides assistance to county, city, village and special districts for planning including land use, housing, recreation, economic development, environment, solid waste management and other areas. Two Rivers Community Development offers programs including: Workforce Development, Grant Management, and Planning

Grant Administration

Two Rivers assists local governments to find, gain access to and benefit from various programs on State and Federal levels as well as non-governmental sources. This includes project planning, grant application preparation and administration. These include federal sources including EDA grants, rural development grants with the USDA, and the US Department of Labor; State of Illinois sources including Illinois Community Development Assistance Program, and Illinois Department of Transportation; local sources including Community Foundation and Tracy Family Foundation.

Two Rivers Regional Council of Public Officials privacy policy can be found here.