Two Rivers Economic Development District (TREDD)
Two Rivers Economic Development District (TREDD) is a region defined by the US Department of Commerce, Economic Development Administration. Two Rivers Regional Council of Public Officials is the assigned agency to head the district. The agency provides the following services for TREDD:
CEDS Development
TREDD creates a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy every five years, which serves as a blueprint for economic development activities. The CEDS identifies the assets and liabilities of the region, and presents action plans to improve the economic health of the region and encourage job growth. The CEDS committee holds quarterly meetings to continue to strategize and update action plans.
Resource Development
TREDD staff is available to meet with local jurisdictions to explore funding options for infrastructure/public projects. Projects consistent with the CEDS are eligible for possible EDA grants. Other funding sources are USDA Rural Development, Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity and Illinois Department of Natural Resources.
Grant Writing and Administration
For jurisdictions without the resources to apply for or administer grants, Two Rivers Regional Council of Public Officials staff will provide these services.
TREDD is a resource for local and regional maps of flood plains, census tracts, zoning, TIF Districts and Enterprise Zones.
TRRC is able to conduct door-to-door, bulk mail or on-line surveys in order to collect data to support projects.
Assistance with Zoning and Building Codes
For the smaller jurisdictions technical assistance is available to advise on developing zoning and/or building codes. TRRC can connect a municipality to the appropriate resources that provide official guidance.
Research and Data Collection
TREDD/TRRC staff researches and compiles statistical data for the region. Databases such as the U.S. Census, U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Illinois Department of Employment Security and privately commissioned studies are used.