February 7, 2022 @ 12:00 pm - February 13, 2022 @ 11:45 pm
Pike and Brown Counties, we are calling on you to donate to the Souper Bowl of Caring 2022. You can find donation drop off boxes at the County Market – Pittsfield, IL in Pittsfield and the Mt. Sterling IGA in Mt Sterling. All donations stay in the counties collected. Donations will be utilized and distributed through Two Rivers Regional Council of Public Officials food banks in Brown and Pike Counties. The collection bins will be up through the “Big Game” on February 13th. So while you are out buying your party food, please put some non-perishable food items in the box. You will be helping those in need. Please visit the Souper Bowl of Caring‘s website tacklehunger.org for more details. As always, we are proud to serve and honored to have the help of the community.
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